Posturing over the Falkland Islands

The Falkland Islands (or Malvinas as they are known in Spanish) are in the news here. If you have been following this blog you will remember an earlier post on 11 March with a photo of a sign proclaiming Argentinian sovereignty over the Falklands. Argentina recently approached the United Nations about re-opening talks with the UK about the Falklands. However, as you can see in the this article in an english language version of a local paper, Britain is not interested!
There was another article in yesterday´s paper about the Falklands. It was an interview with the Argentine diplomat to the United Nations in the 1960´s and 70´s Lucio Garcia Del Solar. That article was in spanish so I just about wore out the dictionary looking up words but from what I could gather old Lucio reckons that Argentina would have the Falklands by now if the military dictatorship government did not start the 1982 war. Apparently in the sixties there was a lot of anti-colonial sentiment against the British and the United Nations resolution 2065 was passed which proclaimed that Britian and Argentina were to commence talks to reach an agreement. Lucio said that at that time Britain had no further interest in the strategic location of the Falklands in the South Atlantic and it was only a matter of time before a voluntary hand over took place. Unfortunately, the military government had different ideas and ruined everything. Lucio´s opinion is that it will take a long time now but eventually a diplomatic solution will be reached.
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