Buenos Aires
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When Italian immigrants arrived in the area known as La Boca, they built communal housing with corregated iron walls. Many have been restored and are now tourist attractions.

¨Good on you Argentina!¨ Why isn´t the the Gold Coast highway set up like this?

Stained glass in the catherdal. The tomb of the liberator San Martin was also in this church.

We are constantly reminded that this is the city of the Tango. These performers were in the street.

Apartments in the inner suburbs. They go on like this for block after block after block.

A shopping centre Buenos Aires style. This was in the beautiful Edificio del Pacifico (¨Pacific Building¨ in english but it loses something in the translation don´t you think?).
This is the last destination on our trip, the city that Fangio, Maradona and Jorges Luis Borges call(ed) home. It´s size is overwhelming. The downtown area alone is about 24 blocks long by 17 blocks wide then surrounding that are all the inner-city suburbs that are full of tastefully designed apartment blocks, restaurants and more shops on tree lined streets. It all looks very European, especially when most taxis are Peugeots, the police cars are Volkswagens and the most popular cars are Renaults.
With the help of the subway system we are starting to find our way around, at AUD 0.35 per journey of any distance it is very cheap. Our first international hostel association accomodation turned out to be a real dive and we have now moved to a hotel in the city centre. The one advantage of the hostel was that it was in an interesting suburb called Palermo because of the Italian immigrants that first lived there and it still has some cobbled streets and lots of arty shops and good restaurants.
The buildings in the city are beautiful and there is a definate french influence. There are grand palaces, theatres, hotels and even some of the apartment blocks are impressive.
There have been a few protests in the streets here but they have been small so you don´t have to worry about us. In fact, this is a very safe and friendly city from what we have seen so far.
We plan to be here for another week and a half so we will put more of Buenos Aires on the blog as we get to see it.

When Italian immigrants arrived in the area known as La Boca, they built communal housing with corregated iron walls. Many have been restored and are now tourist attractions.

¨Good on you Argentina!¨ Why isn´t the the Gold Coast highway set up like this?

Stained glass in the catherdal. The tomb of the liberator San Martin was also in this church.

We are constantly reminded that this is the city of the Tango. These performers were in the street.

Apartments in the inner suburbs. They go on like this for block after block after block.

A shopping centre Buenos Aires style. This was in the beautiful Edificio del Pacifico (¨Pacific Building¨ in english but it loses something in the translation don´t you think?).
This is the last destination on our trip, the city that Fangio, Maradona and Jorges Luis Borges call(ed) home. It´s size is overwhelming. The downtown area alone is about 24 blocks long by 17 blocks wide then surrounding that are all the inner-city suburbs that are full of tastefully designed apartment blocks, restaurants and more shops on tree lined streets. It all looks very European, especially when most taxis are Peugeots, the police cars are Volkswagens and the most popular cars are Renaults.
With the help of the subway system we are starting to find our way around, at AUD 0.35 per journey of any distance it is very cheap. Our first international hostel association accomodation turned out to be a real dive and we have now moved to a hotel in the city centre. The one advantage of the hostel was that it was in an interesting suburb called Palermo because of the Italian immigrants that first lived there and it still has some cobbled streets and lots of arty shops and good restaurants.
The buildings in the city are beautiful and there is a definate french influence. There are grand palaces, theatres, hotels and even some of the apartment blocks are impressive.
There have been a few protests in the streets here but they have been small so you don´t have to worry about us. In fact, this is a very safe and friendly city from what we have seen so far.
We plan to be here for another week and a half so we will put more of Buenos Aires on the blog as we get to see it.
on ya' girlfriend!!! showin' those B.A.'s in S.A. (america) how to tango...f-a-n-c-y footwork!!!...though not matching...(a girl thing, lol lol)
Is that Lorenzo dancin' with ya'????
and beautiful pictures too.......see you soon...love from Oz...L. xoxo
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